Insomnia is sleep disorder where the sufferer is unable to fall asleep or stay asleep for a healthy amount of time. Insomniacs may have continuous trouble falling asleep, and once sleep occurs, may wake up multiple times or wake up extremely early and be unable to fall back to sleep. Over a long period of time, insomnia can cause physical and mental fatigue. Insomnia may also be a sign or symptom of other mental or physical issues.
There are three different types of Insomnia. They are:
Transient insomnia which is similar to sleep deprivation and consists of trouble sleeping for no more than 7 days in a row
Acute (short-term or stress related) insomnia which consists of lack of sleep for up to 30 days at one time
Chronic insomnia, which lasts for longer than a month and can be accompanied by more severe symptoms such as double vision, fatigue, or hallucinations.
Symptoms & signs of the effects of insomnia
- Impatience
- Irritable
- Fatigue
- Sleepiness during the day
- Inability to concentrate
- Making careless mistakes
Causes of insomnia
Insomnia can be caused by physical or mental health conditions.
Physical causes:
- Heart conditions
- Painful conditions such as arthritis
- Conditions that cause you to wake to urinate, such as diabetes or prostate problems
- Breathing conditions such as asthma
- Consumption of alcohol or recreational drugs
- Poor sleep conditions (too much noise, light, etc.)
- Certain medications
- Dementia or other cognitive disabilities
- Too much screen time – especially close to bedtime
- Night shifts or irregular work schedules
- Time zone changes (jet lag)
Psychological causes:
- Stress
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Grief
- Major life events
- Career changes
- Mental health disorders
- Trauma or PTSD
When is it time to get help?
If you are finding that you are unable to function or to perform at your best, or you are missing out on family events or socializing because just don’t have the energy and you are just too tired, it’s time to investigate the cause of your insomnia. Even if the cause is a physical condition, seeking help with a therapist can be beneficial.
Insomnia treatment methods
Determining the cause of your insomnia will also determine the best treatment method for your particular circumstances. For example, if your insomnia is caused by grief, then treatments for grief will be explored. If it’s anxiety, then anxiety treatments will be recommended, and so on. Your therapist will work with you to thoroughly investigate your insomnia.
What will I get out of treatment with Insight Psychological?
Our therapists can help to alleviate the frustration that comes form insomnia. You don’t have to lay there night after night struggling to fall or stay asleep. You can work on the root cause of your sleeplessness while learning techniques to relax and get the rest your body needs. If you’re ready to get treatment for your insomnia, please contact Insight Psychological today!