Insight Psychological Therapists - Dr. Cory Hrushka

Dr. Cory Hrushka, Registered Psychologist, Senior Therapist, Clinical and Forensic Psychologist, PhD, CCS, DST, AASECT Certified Sex Therapist, (He/Him)
I am a Senior Clinical/counselling and Forensic Psychologist. I am also an AASECT certified (Diplomate) Sex Therapist/ and Supervisor, an Associate in Sex Education and a Clinical Sexologist. I provide psychological/forensic assessment services and counselling to adolescents, adults, couples, and families. Although I use numerous psychological approaches to achieve client success, my foundation is in client-centered, cognitive behavioral therapy within a systemic model that focuses on pushing through issues for growth and success.
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More About Dr. Cory Hrushka
Welcome to Insight Psychological!
My main specialty is sexuality (including the standard sexual functioning and couple related difficulties, as well as LGTBQPA and BDSM) with a secondary focus on violence related issues, trauma and couple counselling issues (including custody and access/high conflict).
I am a certified (Diplomate) Sex Therapist/ and Supervisor, an Associate in Sex Education, and a Clinical Sexologist.
I use numerous psychological approaches to achieve client success. My foundation is in client-centered, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) within a systemic model that focuses on pushing through issues for growth and success which also includes Gottman methods and those of Schnarch.
I am also trained in Eye Movement Desensitization and Re-processing (EMDR) techniques for recurrent traumatic images and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder issues.
Cory, what is your favourite quote?
Carpe Diem
What was a defining moment in your life?
Realizing that what my parents thought I should be scared of, was not what I was scared of (I went on my first haunted house ride as a teen and it was extremely unimpressive) ….this changed my total view on life
What do you do to keep your outlook optimistic?
Realizing that there are always options and choice.
AASECT Certified Diplomate of Sex Therapy
AASECT Sex therapy Supervisor
- ATSA – Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers, Clinical Member
- CPATH- Canadian Professionals Association for Transgender Health -Full member 35988 (Sept 2017-present)
- WPATH- World Professionals Association for Transgender Health -Full member (March 10, 2016-present)
- ISSWSH- International Society for the Study of Women’s Sexual Health (2016-present)
- CCPA – Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association (Feb 2016-present) #10000878
- AFCC – Association of Family and Conciliation Courts (Sept 2015-present)
Member of the Alberta Chapter (Sept 2015-present)
Member of the Risk Management committee - SSTAR- Society for Sex Therapy & Research, Full member (Jan 2015-March 2017)
- College of Alberta Psychologists – Registration #2234 (current)
- Psychologists Association of Alberta Member (current)
Fees committee Chairman of the board – 2009-2015 - Fees committee Board member- 2005-2009
- American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors and Therapists, member, since 2001
- Approved by Workers Compensation Board, Edmonton, 2019
- Approved by Canadian Forces and Veteran affairs Canada since 2000
- Approved by Medical Services Branch/FNIHB for work with Aboriginal Clientele, Edmonton 1993
- Approved by Corrections Service Canada, Psychologist, November, 2006
- Approved by Custody Mediation Program and Alberta Justice, Edmonton 1993
- Approved by Child Welfare/ Children’s services Alberta regions 3, 4 (2007-2009), 5, 6, 7, 9 and 10 (1993-present)
- Board of Directors for Patch Place – Member at Large, 1998-2000
- Edmonton Chamber of Commerce -Member since 1999-present
- Alberta Society for the Promotion of Sexual Health I.D.# 1815 – 2000-2003
- The Canadian Society of Clinical Hypnosis Affiliate Member (Alberta Division), 1998-2004
- Alberta Council of Professionals in Sexual Health -ACPSH – SHAG – member 2007-Present
- 2022 World Professional Association for Transgender Health Global Education Institute SOC7 Certified
- 2020 Forensic Psychologist designation, Alberta.
- Gottman Method Couples Therapy Level 2
- 2016 Nationally Certified Custody Evaluator, Professional Academy of Custody Evaluators (PACE)
- Nationally Certified Parenting Coordinator, Professional Academy of Custody Evaluators (PACE)
- 2013- 2014 Clinical Lecturer, Department of Psychiatry, University of Alberta
- 2005- present Certified Sex Therapist Supervisor (AASECT)
- 2009 Gottman Couples Therapy Level-1
- 2008 Structured Analysis Family Evaluation (SAFE) for supervisors certification
- 2008 Structured Analysis Family Evaluation (SAFE) certification completed for adoptive, foster, kinship and private guardianship evaluations,
- 2005 Certified Clinical Sexologist (IASHS)
- 2004- present Certified Diplomate of Sex Therapy, (AASECT)
- 2001- present Certified Sex Therapist (AASECT)
- Registered Psychologist (Alberta) #2234
- 1996 Certified Associate in Sex Education (IASHS)
- 1996 Canadian Register for Health Service Providers in Psychology. (CRHSPP), #05186
- 2009 Alberta Health and Wellness Practitioner ID #4620-55208
- 2020 Teen Triple P Positive Parenting Certificate (online course)
- Triple P Positive Parenting Certificate (online course) April 2
- 2019 Gender Based Analysis + certificate, completed Aug 8.
- 1996 EMDR training, Level I
- English
My Areas of Focus/Specialty Training:
Amare (Sex, Intimacy, & Gender)
- Alternative Sex Behaviours
- Coming Out
- Female Sexual Issues
- Fetishes and Philias
- Gender Identity
- LGBTQ2S+ Issues
- Male Sexual Issues
- Pornography Issues
- Problematic Sexual Behaviours in Children and Youth
- Sex Compulsion/Out of Control Sexual Behaviours
- Sexual Offending Behaviours
- Sexuality and Intimacy Issues
- Trans Counselling
- Transformations Program
Anxiety & Depression
- Phobias
- Communication and Negotiation
- Couples Counselling
- Dealing with Infidelity
- Divorce or Separation
- Intercultural and Interracial Relationships
- Marriage and Relationship Concerns
Grief & Loss Care
- Divorce or Separation
- Life Transitions and Adjustment Issues
Mental Health Disorders
- Problematic Sexual Behaviours in Children and Youth
Other Areas
- Anger Management
Thrive (Child & Youth)
- Custody Access Issues
- Family Issues
- Problematic Sexual Behaviours in Children and Youth
Trauma Care
- Family Violence
- Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
- Trauma
I have experience in:
- Abuse
- Antisocial Personality Disorder
- Anxiety
- Anxiety Disorders
- Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in Adults
- Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in Children
- Autism Spectrum Disorders
- Avoidant Personality Disorder
- Becoming a Parent or the Addition of Children
- Behavioural Issues
- Blended Family Adjustment
- Childhood Development Issues
- Cognitive Disability
- Cognitive Impairment, Deterioration, and Injury Rehabilitation
- Communication Disorders
- Cross Cultural Issues
- Dependent Personality Disorder
- Depression
- Difficult People
- Emotional Abuse
- Emotional Regulation
- Executive Performance Program
- First Responders Trauma or PTSD
- Generalized Anxiety Disorder
- Grief and Loss
- Impulsivity in Children
- Loss of Employment
- Major Depressive Disorder
- Military Related Trauma
- Narcissistic Personality Disorder
- Neurodiversity
- Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
- Oppositional Defiant Disorder
- Parenting Issues & Support
- Physical Abuse
- Premarital Counselling
- Relationship Dependence
- Return to Work - Uniformed Personnel & First Responders
- Self-Esteem Issues
- Sex Industry Workers
- Sexual Arousal Issues
- Sexual Assault and Abuse
- Social Anxiety Disorder
- Sports Performance
- Stress Management
- Teen's Mental Health
- Youth 13 to 15 Years
- Youth 16 to 17 Years
Corporate Services
- Entrepreneur’s/Leader’s Psychological Wellness & Performance
- Family Business Dynamics, Difficulties & Succession
- Mental Health Issue/Case Management Support
- Specialized Counselling & Treatments
- Workplace Relationship Issues
- Workplace Sex & Gender Issues
My treatment approaches:
- Behavioural Therapy
- Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)
- Crucible Approach Therapy
- EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing)
- Family Systems Therapy
- Gottman Couples Therapy
- Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy
- Person Centered Therapy
- Psychoanalytical Therapy
- Psychotherapy
- Sex Therapy
- Solution Focused Therapy
- Structural Family Therapy
- Virtual Reality Assisted Therapy
Assessment services:
- Anxiety Assessment
- Assessments for Learning Disorders
- Behavioural Assessment
- Career/Occupational Assessments
- Depression Assessment
- Forensic Assessment (Sex Offending & Violence Risk)
- Functional Capacity Assessment
- Gottman Relationship Checkup
- Intellectually Advanced Assessment
- PN7 Assessment
- PN8 (Custody Access) Assessment
- Parental Assessment
- Personality & Behaviour Assessments
- Psychoeducational Assessment
- Psychological Functional Capacity Assessment
- SAFE Assessment
- Sex Compulsion/OCSB Assessment
- Sexual Functioning Assessment
- Sexuality Assessments
- Stay-at-Work/Return-to-Work After Mental Health Injury