Family Issues

Families are a complex unit and come in many shapes and sizes. As much as there can be love and acceptance in your family, there can also be many issues that make your family anything but loving or accepting.  Add changing dynamics (births, deaths, separations, and growth) and navigating peaceful relationships can be challenging. These and many other events can trigger family conflict.

Symptoms & signs of family issues

  • Continual arguing and bickering
  • Inability to communicate effectively
  • Anger management issues
  • Unwillingness to listen when someone is expressing concerns
  • Physical altercations

How it affects you:

  • Stress
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Emotional fatigue
  • Work performance suffers
  • Other relationships suffer

When is it time to get help?

Perhaps you’ve tried talking with your family, but the same patterns and negative behaviour gets repeated. If you feel that your family is controlling, judgmental, dysfunctional, or making you feel badly about yourself or sad, or maybe you feel that you are a contributor to the dysfunction, it’s time to get some help.

Treatment method for family issues

  • Family systems therapy looks at the family as a one emotional unit. This therapeutic approach looks at the relationships within the family and the structure as a whole.
  • Structural family therapy involves looking at the structures within the family unit. Changing the underlying structure tends to cause a ripple effect on the family. This therapy analyzes the hierarchical structure, subsystems and boundaries within the family.
  • Strategic family therapy is a type of therapy where the therapist is a problem-solver and focuses on finding solutions to client’s challenges.
  • Adlerian therapy 

What will I get out of treatment with Insight Psychological?

You will come away with an understanding of the dynamics in your own family, and the role you play in it. You can learn about healthy boundaries, problem solving, healthy and effective communication and learn how to reduce conflicts. Contact us to learn more information or to book an appointment.


Brooke Hendricks

Edmonton South, Online, Sherwood Park


Loriann Quinlan

Edmonton South, Edmonton West, Online

Adults, Seniors

Morganne Stubbs

Online, Sherwood Park

Adults, Adolescents (13-17), Families, Couples, LGBTQ community, Assessments

Brandi Enns

Edmonton South, Online

Adults, Families, Couples, LGBTQ community, Sexuality, Assessments

Sabrina Brady

Edmonton Central, Edmonton North, Online

Adults, Adolescents (13-17), Seniors, Couples, LGBTQ community, Sexuality, Assessments

Karla Buchholz

Edmonton South, Online

Adults, Adolescents (13-17), Seniors, Families, Couples, LGBTQ community, Sexuality

Nicole Donovan

Edmonton South, Online, Sherwood Park

Adults, Children & Youth (6-12), Adolescents (13-17)

Kathryn Maier

Edmonton North, Online

Adults, Children (3-5), Children & Youth (6-12), Adolescents (13-17), Families, Assessments

Cody Cobler

Edmonton North, Online, Sherwood Park

Adults, Children & Youth (6-12), Adolescents (13-17), Families, LGBTQ community

Dawn Doucet Banting

Edmonton South, Online

Adults, Children (3-5), Children & Youth (6-12), Adolescents (13-17), Seniors, Families, Couples, LGBTQ community

Meghan Odsen

Edmonton South, Online

Adults, Adolescents (13-17), Seniors, Families, Couples, LGBTQ community, Sexuality, Assessments

Emily Couture

Edmonton South, Sherwood Park, Online

Adults, Children (3-5), Children & Youth (6-12), Adolescents (13-17), Assessments

Brittany Zabolotniuk

Spring Perinatal Services, Online, Edmonton South

Adults, Children & Youth (6-12), Adolescents (13-17), Seniors

Chantelle Owen

Edmonton Central, Online, Edmonton West

Adults, Adolescents (13-17), Families, Couples, LGBTQ community, Sexuality

Lauren Chow

Edmonton Central, Edmonton South, Online

Adults, Adolescents (13-17), Couples, LGBTQ community

Clayton Poberezny

Edmonton West, Online, Edmonton North

Adults, Adolescents (13-17), Seniors, Families, Couples, LGBTQ community, Sexuality, Assessments

Dr. Hendriatta Wong

Corporate Services

Shirley Leonard

Corporate Services

Tara-Lee Goerlitz

Corporate Services

Trina Wilson Orieux

Corporate Services


Leah Cadieux

Spring Perinatal Services

Adults, Families, Couples, Infants

Tracey Howell

Spring Perinatal Services

Adults, Families, Couples

Sonya Duffee

Spring Perinatal Services

Adults, Families, Couples

Julia Braga

Spring Perinatal Services

Adults, Families, Couples

Jennine Fayad

Spring Perinatal Services

Adults, Families, Couples

Jackie Pubantz

Spring Perinatal Services

Adults, Children & Youth (6-12), Adolescents (13-17), Seniors

Megan Hoffman

Spring Perinatal Services

Adults, Children (3-5), Children & Youth (6-12), Adolescents (13-17), Seniors, Families, Couples

At this time, Insight Psychological does not have therapists who specialize in this specific area, but that doesn’t mean we can’t help you! Please contact us to talk with our Intake Personnel to find a therapist that is a good fit for you and your unique circumstances.