Faith Based Therapy
What is faith based therapy?
Faith based therapy is using science-based therapeutic techniques that are administered by a therapist with similar spiritual beliefs or an understanding of those beliefs. This is not based on any one religion or spiritual belief.
How does faith based therapy work?
For many people, spirituality or faith is a significant force in their life. It would be hard to imagine talking about life’s challenges and concerns without relating to their faith.
Having a therapist who shares your belief system, or at least understands it and its importance to you, and can provide therapeutic techniques that are based in scientific evidence, is important to building trust, rapport and success in your treatment.
You will determine the amount of faith that is introduced into your counselling sessions. It may be as simple as knowing that your therapist also believes in a higher power, or you may discuss the role that religion has played in informing your decisions and your life.
People of all religious backgrounds are welcome to receive faith-based therapy. There is no judgement of any faiths or beliefs.
When is faith based therapy used?
Faith based therapy can be helpful to some clients in providing meaning to life or facing challenges in life in areas such as:
- Dealing with dementia
- Dealing with aging parents
- Grief and loss
- Trauma
- Life transitions
- Losing someone to suicide
- Marriage and relationship concerns
- Family issues
This type of therapy may be used to treat other conditions and concerns in addition to those listed above. It may also be used in conjunction with other treatment methods. Your therapist will work with you to determine the best treatment method for your individual circumstances.
You should be aware that there is no treatment method that is successful for every person. What works for you, may not work for someone else.
What to expect from therapy
Put simply, you will get out of therapy what you put into it. It’s not a magic solution that will solve all your problems. It may involve you doing some real work and being completely honest with yourself and your therapist. Sometimes facing our truth is the hardest thing of all – but from that discomfort can come healing and growth.
Insight has therapists available at several locations in Alberta for telephone, online, or in-person counselling. Contact us to learn more.