Training & Workshops

Training & Workshops

We offer training, workshops, and group support in general and targeted specialty areas of mental health and safety that are most relevant to today’s workforce and work environments.

The aim is to help leaders and employees:

  • Increase awareness and understanding of mental wellness in the workplace.
  • Recognize factors and risks that contribute to mental strain and injury in the workplace and/or at home, and strategies to respond when issues arise.
  • Recognize common mental health problems/illnesses and warning signs of a struggling employee or co-worker.
  • Consider and apply effective strategies to support a struggling employee or co-worker.
  • Demonstrate behaviours that promote employee mental wellness and safety.

Depending on the topic and content to be covered, group training and workshops for employees can be one-hour (lunch-and-learn), half-day, full-day, or two-days long. Customized duration is also possible for some training. Topics in demand include the following.

Mental Health First Aid
Mental Health First Aid training equips employees and management with the skills to support mental wellness in the workplace. It focuses on increasing awareness, recognizing distress signals, and providing immediate support for mental health issues until professional help is available.
Explore the benefits of self-care and wellness in the workplace with our course. Learn to empower yourself, your employees, and colleagues amid stressful situations and build resilience through tailored strategies and expert guidance. Cultivate a thriving and productive professional community with us!
This course equips individuals to identify and support co-workers with mental health issues, enhancing workplace wellness and safety.
Learn essential strategies to manage stress and prevent burnout, enhancing workplace productivity and personal well-being through effective leadership and psychological safety.
Learn to address the psychological impact of traumatic incidents through a comprehensive 2-day or 3-day Critical Incident Stress Management Training. Gain essential skills for individual and group crisis intervention, enhancing resilience and recovery.
Creating an inclusive workplace requires understanding and supporting women's unique mental health needs. This involves recognizing the impact of gender bias, offering flexible work arrangements, and providing access to mental health resources. It's essential to foster an environment where women feel valued, heard, and empowered to seek support without stigma.
Learn strategies to manage and support employees with compulsive behaviors, including OCD, in the workplace. This course provides insights into understanding symptoms, fostering an inclusive environment, and implementing effective coping mechanisms.
This course addresses navigating personal and workplace-related trauma, offering strategies for resilience, recovery, and creating supportive environments. Participants will learn to recognize symptoms and implement effective response and treatment methods.
This course offers a comprehensive approach to understanding and managing grief, loss, and transition in the workplace. Participants will learn resilience training, recognize signs of distress, and explore effective coping strategies.
This course delves into recognizing and supporting employees with severe, complex, and co-morbid mental health difficulties, emphasizing early intervention, specialized therapy, and workplace accommodations to maintain productivity and wellness.
This course provides an in-depth look at supporting individuals with developmental and cognitive disabilities, covering a range of conditions from dyslexia and ADHD to neurodegenerative diseases. It emphasizes understanding, empathy, and practical strategies for assistance in personal and professional settings.
This course explores strategies for managers to effectively support employees dealing with family mental health issues. Learn to balance compassion with maintaining productivity, creating a supportive workplace environment that acknowledges personal crises.
This course dives deep into identifying, assessing, and mitigating the risks associated with workplace behavior, including psychosocial hazards. It covers strategies for promoting mental health and safety, managing stress, and supporting employees through challenges both in and outside of work.
Explore the concept of psychological safety and accountability in the workplace, understanding trauma's impact on employees and how to create a supportive environment. Learn from sectors already applying trauma-informed practices to enhance employee well-being and productivity.
This course delves into understanding the mental health continuum, recognizing how shifts in mental health status can significantly impact employee performance. It emphasizes the importance of creating supportive environments that cater to mental wellness for sustained productivity.
This course is designed to address the unique challenges faced by leaders in today's high-pressure work environments. It focuses on the importance of self-care, setting boundaries, and maintaining control amidst the challenges of modern leadership roles, psychological hazards, and workforce diversity.
This course provides in-depth guidance on supporting employees navigating the challenges of trauma and grief, focusing on grief work therapy principles, recognizing emotional responses, and facilitating healing and resilience within the workplace environment.

Want to learn more?

Dr. Hendriatta Wong

Corporate Services

Shirley Leonard

Corporate Services

Lisa Standeven

Corporate Services

Tara-Lee Goerlitz

Corporate Services

Trina Wilson Orieux

Corporate Services


At this time, Insight Psychological does not have therapists who specialize in this specific area, but that doesn’t mean we can’t help you! Please contact us to talk with our Intake Personnel to find a therapist that is a good fit for you and your unique circumstances.