Organizational, Individual, and Team Health Assessments

Prior to implementing specific mental health and safety initiatives, it would help to gain a better understanding of the mental health and safety risks, needs, concerns, and thus also priorities that exist within the organization. Examples of the unknown may include:

  • What mental health and work stress challenges are your employees currently facing?
  • What psychosocial risks and hazards are present in your organization that may affect employees’ mental wellness and productivity?
  • Do leaders in your organization know how to engage with employees in a psychologically attentive and safe manner?
  • What specific mental wellness programs would meet the needs of your organization and employees?

Insight offers organizational, individual, and team assessments that can help to determine the organizational/individual/team challenges faced as well as the corresponding services and support that may be needed. Insight can help your organization to select as well as apply the appropriate organizational, individual, and/or team assessments to gain these important insights that could guide the development of your mental health and safety initiatives.

Types of key assessments offered by Insight include:

MyPsychPulseTM, a comprehensive multi-issue mental health and work stress scan developed by Insight will scan for the following concerns:  

  • Helps your organization to determine the collective mental health and work stress condition of your employees as well as key mental health areas of concern, so that your organization can apply targeted strategies and solutions to effectively address risks/concerns identified and build a healthy, safe, and productive work environment.
  • Helps individual employees to gain a better understanding of their current mental health and work stress condition so that they can seek further assessment and/or support where applicable, in order to stay healthy and productive.
Click HERE for samples of the individual and corporate scan reports and more details on the scan.
Insight maintains a comprehensive library of over 350 clinical as well as non-clinical assessments, and work with physicians and health regions, government and pseudo-government agencies, lawyers and the court system, insurance agencies, school boards, and organizations in various industries to provide their employees, members, and clients with the following specialized assessments:
  • Fit-to-work/Return-to-work Readiness
  • Psychological Illness and Disorders**
  • Personality and Behaviour
  • Developmental Disabilities
  • Career and Employment
  • Neuropsychological/Cognitive Functioning**
  • Learning/Psyco-educational
  • Custody Access & Parental Capacity
  • Court/Forensic
**An employee who may be concerned with or may exhibit symptoms of psychological, behavioural or personality disorders or functioning issues can start off with a screen or proceed with a comprehensive diagnostic assessment of their condition. From there, appropriate follow-up care and support (where needed) can be provided to the employee by our clinicians.

For a comprehensive list and details of all of our assessments, click HERE.

Contact Insight Psychological today to learn more.

For a comprehensive list and details of all of our assessments, please click HERE.

Contact Insight Psychological today to learn more.


Dr. Hendriatta Wong

Corporate Services

Shirley Leonard

Corporate Services

Tara-Lee Goerlitz

Corporate Services

Trina Wilson Orieux

Corporate Services


At this time, Insight Psychological does not have therapists who specialize in this specific area, but that doesn’t mean we can’t help you! Please contact us to talk with our Intake Personnel to find a therapist that is a good fit for you and your unique circumstances.