Body Image

Problems With The Dieting Mentality

Posted on 17/09/2013 in Anxiety, Body Image

Pretty much all of us have tried to lose weight. Maybe we are trying to lose just 10 lbs for a wedding or maybe we are trying to lose 100 lbs because our doctor is concerned about diabetes or high blood pressure. The media is saturated with ads to lose weight, while at the same time competing for air time with fast food and pizza commercials. To sum it up: it’s a battle, and sometimes we are winning and sometimes we are losing. But if there was a single diet out there that actually lead to weight loss and maintenance,… Read More Here!


Dealing with Body Dysmorphic Disorder

Posted on 24/05/2011 in Body Image, Depression, Stress Management

It’s not uncommon to have something about your body that you’d like to improve – most of us feel that way from time to time, but for some people, this dislike of certain parts of their appearance, or even an obsession with self-identified flaws can be problematic. Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD) is a condition where a person is extremely preoccupied with perceived imperfections in their body, that in reality, are not there. It occurs accompanied by an extreme fear of being judged by others that is often recurrent, causes extreme distress, and prevents the person from functioning normally. Some people… Read More Here!


How to Deal with a Teen who has Compulsive Exercise Disorder

Posted on 24/05/2011 in Body Image, Children, Parenting

Most people agree that regular activity is a good thing for the body. Exercise triggers the release of endorphins in the body. This hormone is responsible for the feeling of well-being that often comes after exercise, sex, or eating chocolate. Called the endorphin rush, this has a number of beneficial effects for the body – such as increasing pleasure and reducing pain. Exercise strengthens the heart and the muscles, gets rid of unwanted weight, lowers the amount of fat in the body, and reduces the risk of disease. All of these contribute to an overall sense of well being. WHAT… Read More Here!


Understanding the Link between Obesity and Depression

Posted on 07/05/2011 in Body Image, Depression, Stress Management

Studies have found that there is a link between obesity and depression in children, although it is not clear if there is a cause and effect relationship or if the two simply go together. In some cases individuals who are obese may be prone to depression because of the social stigma that comes with being overweight or fat. On the other hand, individuals who suffer from depression may be prone to overeating and this will cause an increase in size and weight. People who suffer from anxiety disorders and depression are particularly prone to resort to overeating foods rich in… Read More Here!