Group Support & Critical Incident Care

In addition to group training and individual counselling, Insight also offers the following team intervention and support:

We can provide group support sessions for employees experiencing difficulties associated with specific mental health concerns, substance dependency, difficulty adjusting to major life changes, or grief and loss. Group sessions allow employees to mutually support one another through their struggles, process through their difficulties, build resiliency and learn coping skills as well as explore additional support and resources where needed. Areas more commonly covered in such a session include but not limited to the following:

  • Specific mental health area (e.g. dealing with depression, anxiety, PTSD, etc.)
  • Personal and workplace relationship difficulties (e.g. communication challenges, power struggle, bullying, abuse, etc.)
  • Job loss and career transition
  • Grief and loss (e.g. death of a spouse, child, or co-worker, , etc.)
  • Major life changes and adjustment difficulties (e.g. post-partum difficulties, marital breakup, recovering from life threatening illness, etc.)
  • Substance dependency recovery
  • Parenting difficulties

A critical and traumatic incident can include death or near death of an employee, violent incident at work, major work-related accident, or other traumatic occurrences. Aside from work-related, critical incidents can involve one’s athletic/artistic/social team or club, school, community, or other entities.

Individuals who witnessed, endured, are made aware of, or even vicariously became aware of a critical incident can experience shock, trauma, distress, fear, anxiety, grief, loss, loss of control over their environment, or other psychological and/or physical difficulties. Prompt critical/traumatic incident care is needed to help employees deal with the strong psychological impact from the incident.

Our trauma and critical incident response team is made up of experienced trauma-informed psychologists, trauma specialists, and critical incident response specialists who can provide group debriefing and support within 24 to 72 hours after a traumatic incident. Post-incident individual counselling and support may also be needed by some employees.

Give us a call at 780-203-2273 to learn more or to schedule support from our psychological intervention specialists.