Couples Counselling

Renewing The Woo

Posted on 02/10/2015 in Couples Counselling

Most of us have experienced the excitement of falling in love. While most of us know that as the relationship or marriage evolves, the excitement has to evolve too, but too often it becomes extinct. The honeymoon may be over, but that does not have to mean the end of romance. Here are some ideas on how romance can evolve with the relationship: Express your desire for more romance, and invite your partner into the process. Many people feel frustrated when they work hard at changing a relationship for the better, only to have their partners not notice or reciprocate.… Read More Here!


Strategies for Coping with Anger

Posted on 02/10/2015 in Anger Issues, Couples Counselling

Anger is often experienced as a reaction to underlying feelings. A woman makes an angry comment to her husband, but in reality she is feeling unheard and disregarded because he forgot to buy diapers again. This type of scenario may sound familiar to couples, but all relationships are affected by anger. It is important to take some time to understand your underlying emotions. By doing so, you can talk to the other person about what you are distinctively feeling and experiencing. Using “I” statements can be helpful for expressing emotions more explicitly. “I feel _____ when you _____ because _____… Read More Here!


7 Tips for Blended Families

Posted on 02/10/2015 in Couples Counselling, Family Issues, Parenting

About 43% of all marriages these days include one or more of the partners who have had a previous marriage. 65% of these remarriages involve children from a previous relationship. When all the math is done, it appears that one out of every three children will spend time in a blended family situation (note that this is an estimate and a definitive statistic is hard to come by on this). Therefore, you, or someone you know is likely experiencing some of the difficulties that a blended family brings. Additionally, your child is likely to have multiple friends in this family… Read More Here!


Sex & Marriage: When Your Spouse is Your Best Friend

Posted on 30/09/2014 in Couples Counselling, Sexual Issues, Stress Management

Sex with a long-term intimate partner who knows your innermost secrets – it sounds good on paper doesn’t it? Surprisingly, a common theme that arises in relationship counselling is that sex starts to lose its appeal as the bond between people grows. A love partner stops being a figure of desire in the bedroom and starts to feel like a good friend. Sex becomes routine, boring, without passion, mundane, a chore, tiring, or any number of uninspiring things. How can knowing more about your partner make sex less interesting? As love grows, why does desire sometimes shrink? To answer some… Read More Here!


The Joy of Sex (Therapy)

Posted on 16/04/2014 in Couples Counselling

One evening, as I was sitting with friends and colleagues discussing my chosen occupation, one of the questions that popped up (sorry, no pun intended) was “What exactly do sex therapists do?” I realized that although this was common knowledge to me, an other in the profession, it’s likely that  many people do not really know what being a sex therapist means. Let me clear things up. CREDENTIALS To begin with, the most prominent certification body in North America is The American Association for Sex Educators, Counselors and Therapists (AASECT). They generally outline the requirements needed to become a sex… Read More Here!