Anxiety & Depression Ask a Therapist

Anxiety and fear

I have a constant fear that something bad will happen. I always expect the worst and the tiniest thing can trigger it. I am now afraid of natural disasters and being alone. I just can’t cope with what is going on around me.

See answer here.

Losing my mind with stress and anxiety

I’m worried that I may be pregnant. I’m freaking out, and overanalyzing everything. I can’t handle it.

See answer here.

Anxiety, cant get passed feeling nervous or scared

I have a very close friend who I have been able to let in, i tell her everything. When my very close friend asks me to try and hangout with her friends or family I end up being completely quiet and feel completely sick and full of anxiety. I cant seem to get over this when with her friends, why?

See answer here.


I have depression and an anxiety disorder which i take pills for and see a psychologist weekly but i have dermatillomania ( i started it when i was 7 and am 14 now) and currently have 15 areas on my scalp bleeding from picking them about 5 times a day, is this self harm? and how serious is it?

See answer here.

How can I get over depression?

How can I get over depression?

See answer here.


I believe I suffer from depression. I am 24 yrs old. My mother was diagnosed with cancer, two years later she passed away. the experience was heart wrenching, and I miss her so much. I am now left with my father who is very nasty to me at times. Most of my friends have moved away. I feel very lonely. I am introverted, and when I try to extend myself and make friends with people I seem to hit brick walls which makes me even more apprehensive and discouraged. In addition I often have nightmares of my mother living and dying. I feel like I’m at the end of my rope. What should I do?

See answer here.

More questions and answers about anxiety and depression coming soon.