Is it hard for you to prioritize self-care in your life? Are you struggling with self-compassion or feeling burnt-out from family or workplace stress? Are you quick to feel frustrated, angry or anxious in the face of challenging circumstances?
Show up for YOU: LGBTQ+ Self Care Workshop Series offers participants practical day-to-day self care tools and strategies to ensure optimimum overall health. This workshop series offers a perspective for participants to intentionally incorporate self-care practices to approach their own struggles to be well, in terms of grounding, resourcing, building community, coming to terms with sexual and gender identity, lack of family or friend support and/or coming out. Participants are encouraged to reflect on personal practices that facilitate as well as hinder helpful coping and how to make lasting changes to foster a healthier sense of self. This workshop aims to give you a new way to conceptualize this self-care to help you make better choices for yourself. Phillip Hau, a Registered Provisional Psychologist with Insight Psychological Inc., will walk you through a series of strategies that you can use in your daily life to cope with presenting stress.
This workshop is structured with a teaching component at the beginning of each workshop followed by engagement in the self-care practices and small group discussions. The goals of each activity is for participants to understand how to intentionally incorporate the self-care practices into daily activities and to uses these practices to proactively promote wellness. In addition to the teaching portion of the workshop, you will be led through various self-caring activities to add to your existing toolbox of coping. Working with your facilitator(s) you will have opportunities to personalize ways of self-caring and/or to design a more intentional way of coping with whatever most gets in your way or disrupts you. This workshop also provides time for collaboration so that you may ask questions or troubleshoot the things that get in the way of taking care of yourself. Therefore, please come with questions about the things that most help or most get in the way of you managing stressors.
Please note that this is an action-oriented workshop. It seeks to provide action-based solutions to the things that trip you up in your day-to-day life, and though we will discuss motivation issues, it is best directed at people who are already motivated to change. Show up for YOU is not designed to help you deeply process your past or current trauma and is probably not suitable for people who are in need of extended therapy, however this workshop may be complementary to your therapeutic process (ask your therapist if this workshop is a good fit for you). Furthermore, this workshop is not designed to help with relationships with others. Instead, it is all about our relationship with ourselves! Please feel free to contact us with questions about whether this workshop might be right for you.
This group meets weekly for six weeks. Group schedule is as follows:
Saturday October 20 – 11:00am-12:30pm
Saturday October 27 – 11:00am-12:30pm
Saturday November 3 – 11:00am-12:30pm
Saturday November 10 – 11:00am-12:30pm
Saturday November 17 – 11:00am-12:30pm
Saturday November 24 – 11:00am-12:30pm
The Presenter
Phillip Hau is a Registered Provisional Psychologist at Insight Psychological. Phillip works from a strength-based client centred counselling orientation. Phillip is passionate about social justice and works to advocate for sexual and gender minorities. He is Pride Certified and has worked, and volunteered with the LGBTQ+ community for many years. He has worked with a wide variety of presenting concerns including depression, anxiety, trauma, and self-regulation, and LGBTQ specific topics such as coming to terms, coming out, internalized and externalized homophobia/transphobia/biphobia.
Insurance Coverage
Insurance plans may cover all or a portion of your fees. Your official receipts will be provided at the workshop.
Cancellation Policy
For orders cancelled less than 24 hours prior to the start of the workshop, no refund will be granted.
Use the form below to register or visit Eventbrite.