In addition to providing effective, high-quality, overall mental health support, each of our therapists makes a concerted effort to advance their training, development, and specialization in one or more of the following areas, in order to provide the best possible care to our clients.
Sexuality, intimacy, and gender.
We explore everything to do with the intricacies of love and the challenges that may come with intimacy. We work with patients in healthy heterosexual, same sex, and polyamorous relationships; any and all different sexualities; and binary, non-binary, and fluid genders.
Anxiety & Depression
Extensive support and services for anxiety and depression.
Anxiety and depression are common mental health conditions. They can exist on their own or found in conjunction with other mental health concerns such as grief, trauma, or stress. Insight’s team offers support for anxiety disorders, phobias, major depressive disorders, and other concerns related to depression and anxiety.
Children & youth mental health and parenting support.
Thrive – Child & Youth is Insight’s program dedicated to children and youth mental wellness as well as support for parents and caregivers.
Grief & Loss Care
Support for dealing with grief.
You may experience all kinds of difficult and unexpected emotions: shock, anger, disbelief, guilt, and/or profound sadness. Insight’s team of patient, compassionate, and knowledgeable grief therapists are here to help.
Uniformed Personnel
Trauma and PTSD for first responders and front line workers.
Work-related mental health issues affect many uniformed personnel, first responder, and front line occupations. Our services to support first responders and uniformed personnel include counselling, assessments, return-to-work preparation, veterans post-exit care, and much more
Trauma Care
Support for dealing with trauma and abuse.
Tragic events such as the sudden death of a loved one, assault or abuse, losing a job, being in an accident, or being the victim of a crime can have a lasting negative effect on your mental health and emotional wellbeing. Our therapy team specializes in trauma and has knowledge, training, and experience in the effects of a wide variety of trauma.
Support to strengthen your relationship.
If you’re feeling unhappy in your relationship, would like to overcome a specific issue or problematic pattern, or are interested in improving your relationship, Insight it here to help.
Assessments evaluate your learning, thinking and behaviour.
We strongly believe that assessments are helpful in identifying your strengths and weaknesses and will lead to recommendations for both behavioural and academic intervention. With the use of assessments, we can identify problems that can be used to assist individuals to better themselves.
Corporate Care
Psychological health and safety in the business sector.
Creating a work environment that focuses on mental strain/injury awareness, prevention, and early intervention is critical to the maintenance of employees’ stable productivity and wellness.