WPATH standards of care

Ask A Therapist OnlineWPATH standards of care
Tinuviall asked 13 years ago

Does insight psychology use the updated version 7 standards of care for transgender individuals? I’m interested in talking to someone about my gender disphoria and like what I have been reading about not needing to have srs , as I think of it as mutilating myself (surgery )?

1 Answers
Best Answer
Insight Psychological Staff answered 13 years ago


Thank you for your question.  If you are interested in speaking with one of our therapists, I encourage you to book an appointment with Cory Hrushka or Melodie Sanford. In regards to your transition, you can decide how much or how little you would like to cross over. If you do not feel comfortable with having surgery, you don’t have to follow through with that procedure.

To explore this issue further please call our Edmonton office at 780-461-1717 to book an appointment.


Ashley Tulloch